“Alice in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll, Directed by David Ertel
April 2002
This is the first performance in the new Cue Theatre, it was as good if not better than expected. The large stage and workshop areas allow for more expansive scenery to be used and the lighting and sound systems are a big improvement.
Joan Ertel was the narrator of the story that many of us read in our childhood. She linked the scenes with readings from the book, while the stagehands moved the scenery behind the closed curtain. Alice chases the White Rabbit and falls down the rabbit hole, into a fantasy world where little makes sense…. at first. It’s all a dream on her birthday, but the dream takes over and Alice has all sorts of wonderful encounters with the characters she meets on her way. From the Cheshire Cat, with its huge grin to the croquet game using flamingos as mallets, to her trial for stealing the tarts from the Queen of Hearts, Alice followed her dreams.
The casting was well done with a good mix of old hands and some new talent, which bodes well for the future. From young children to the not so you, they all seemed comfortable in their parts… and some of them didn’t need to act much as they fitted their roles so well.
Comment must be made of the costumes and set design
Cast: Sasha Antunovic (Alice); Joanna Lockhart (smaller Alice); Selina Mackie (Queen of Hearts); Alistair Nelson (King of Hearts); Barry Boekman (Mock Turtle);