“The Ghost Train” by Arnold Ridley, Directed by David Ertel
2nd April – 16th April 2011
The Time – 1925
The Place – in a small General Waiting-room at Fal Vale, a wayside station on the South Cornwall Joint Railway, during the course of 4 hours
An Exceptional Comedy/Thriller, Not to be Missed ….
A young man, as a prank, pulled the communication cord and now six passengers find themselves in a waiting room having missed their connection. it is a dark and stormy night. The station master warns them of a “ghost train” but they decide to stay in the waiting room so that they can catch the first morning train. A young woman in evening dress suddenly turns up and the station master is discovered – Dead.
It will keep you laughing and guessing until the very end.
Cast: Kevin Koch (Saul Hodgkin); Keith Carey-Smith (Richard Winthrop); Maree Spurdle (Elsie); James Goodwin (Charles Murdock); Katherine Whaley (Peggy Murdock); Cathy Morris (Miss Bourne); John Butler (Teddie Deakin); Kristen Devine (Julia Price); Valda Hinz (Miss Price); Francis Cook (John Sterling); Ross Jordan (Jackson)